4 Fears Every Writer Must Face in Their Career

4 Fears Every Writer Must Face in Their Career Hello people in the world, today Random Find Truth will provide information about the correctness and important updated opinions that you must read with the title 4 Fears Every Writer Must Face in Their Career that has been Random Find Truth analysis, search and prepare well for you to read all. Hopefully information from Random Find Truth about Articles Pen, the Random Find Truth write you can make us all human beings who are knowledgeable and blessed for all.

Title : 4 Fears Every Writer Must Face in Their Career
Link : 4 Fears Every Writer Must Face in Their Career


Let's face it: life is full of fears real and imagined...
  • In a tough economy, the fear exists of losing our jobs.
  • Then there's the fear of keeping our jobs and being stuck and suffocated indefinitely.
  • Add to this the fear of not having a bikini-ready body by summer (ok, this is mostly me). 
For writers, the plot thickens. We are often faced with a myriad of fears, that if not handled properly can sabotage our success. Today we'll look at a few of them.
Because as Dr. Phil states: "You can't fix what you don't acknowledge first."

With this in mind, here are four of the most common phobias writers face:


The Fear of Rejection

Writing makes us vulnerable. Sharing our thoughts, feelings and experiences in public forums can be a bit scary. What if people don't like us? Or disagree with us? Or criticize us? Or make fun of us? What if editors say "no" to our submissions? The fear of rejection keeps a lot of writers grounded and "undiscovered." Don't let it be you. Develop a thick skin. And keep moving forward. Rejection as a writer is as common as cold weather in the winter. 

The Fear of Stolen Ideas & Projects

Though creative theft does exist, it's more of an exception than a general rule. Most writers and publishing professionals think that their ideas are way better than other people's anyway. Besides, few would want to take on the risk of being sued. If you are seeking more security of your written materials, you can get copyrights for added protection. Learn more here:

The Fear of Poverty

How many of us chose alternative college majors because we were told that writing was more of a hobby than a "real" career? I know I did. But here's the truth of it. There are writers that are rich, successful, famous and living the good life. Think J.K. Rowling. Think John Grisham. And how about Danielle Steel? Granted, the odds are against you reaching their level; still, with diligence, confidence, and consistency you could earn more than your 9 to 5 gig. "Think and grow rich."

The Fear of Failure

Also known as Atichyphobia, is labeled by Fear.net as one of the biggest barriers to success.
Remember that failure does not have to be permanent. Consider how many times famous inventors "failed" before ultimately finding solutions and products that greatly enhance our everyday existence today.
"If at first you don't succeed, try try again."
What phobias do you battle to fend off? Here's an interesting compilation for inquiring minds:
Thoughts? Don't be "afraid" to leave a comment. :-)



4 Fears Every Writer Must Face in Their Career

Enough news articles 4 Fears Every Writer Must Face in Their Career this time, hopefully can benefit for you all. Well, see you in other article postings.

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4 Fears Every Writer Must Face in Their Career

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