'This case won't fizzle... it will blow up on THEM': Rudy Giuliani claims Robert Mueller will HIMSELF be investigated for 'collusion' over his 'corrupt' probe, and only wants to question Trump to catch him in a 'perjury trap'

'This case won't fizzle... it will blow up on THEM': Rudy Giuliani claims Robert Mueller will HIMSELF be investigated for 'collusion' over his 'corrupt' probe, and only wants to question Trump to catch him in a 'perjury trap' Hello people in the world, today Random Find Truth will provide information about the correctness and important updated opinions that you must read with the title 'This case won't fizzle... it will blow up on THEM': Rudy Giuliani claims Robert Mueller will HIMSELF be investigated for 'collusion' over his 'corrupt' probe, and only wants to question Trump to catch him in a 'perjury trap' that has been Random Find Truth analysis, search and prepare well for you to read all. Hopefully information from Random Find Truth about Articles News, the Random Find Truth write you can make us all human beings who are knowledgeable and blessed for all.

Title : 'This case won't fizzle... it will blow up on THEM': Rudy Giuliani claims Robert Mueller will HIMSELF be investigated for 'collusion' over his 'corrupt' probe, and only wants to question Trump to catch him in a 'perjury trap'
Link : 'This case won't fizzle... it will blow up on THEM': Rudy Giuliani claims Robert Mueller will HIMSELF be investigated for 'collusion' over his 'corrupt' probe, and only wants to question Trump to catch him in a 'perjury trap'

  • Giuliani claimed Mueller had overseen a 'corrupt and illegitimate' investigation
  • Alleged Mueller guilty of collusion for using Russian intelligence in Steele report
  • Suggested investigation was staffed by Democrats and 'people who hate Trump'
  • Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice but Giuliani is against it
  • Claims the special counsel is trying to trick the president into lying under oath
  • Giuliani also said Wednesday he believes the probe should end on September 1
Robert Mueller's investigation will 'blow up' on his own team and lead to the special himself being investigated for 'collusion', President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani claimed on Wednesday.
Giuliani accused Mueller of relying on fake Russian intelligence meant to smear Trump, and suggested his investigation was so 'corrupt and illegitimate' it would lead to reforms on the scale of Watergate to stop it being repeated.
He then claimed the ex-FBI director 'had no case’ and only wants the president to answer questions under oath so he could be tricked into a 'perjury trap'.
Rudy Giuliani accused Robert Mueller of relying on fake Russian intelligence meant to smear Trump, and suggested his investigation was so 'corrupt and illegitimate' it would lead to reforms on the scale of Watergate
Rudy Giuliani accused Robert Mueller of relying on fake Russian intelligence meant to smear Trump, and suggested his investigation was so 'corrupt and illegitimate' it would lead to reforms on the scale of Watergate
Giuliani, who was speaking to Fox News’ Sean Hannity, began by accusing Mueller of relying on the ‘fake’ dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele, which contained allegations of conspiracy between Trump's campaign team and the Russian government.
‘This is a totally illegitimate investigation based on a report that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats – perhaps the biggest illegality or collusion so far,' he said.
Hannity then suggested the dossier contained fake Russian evidence that was itself intended to ‘influence the election’ by smearing Trump.
‘Maybe if Mueller and his band of Democrats were fair minded maybe they'd investigate - maybe that’s the collusion,' Giuliani replied.
Giuliani repeatedly slammed the Mueller probe as 'illegitimate' and claimed it was being run by people who 'hate Trump'.
He then moved on to discuss Michael Flynn, who had a short-lived tenure as Trump's national security adviser before he was charged with lying to the FBI.
Trump fired Comey in May 2017, a move that helped precipitate Mueller's probe. The FBI director alleged afterwards that Trump had asked him to go easy on Flynn because he was a 'good guy'.
‘He knows the answers to every question he’s going to ask,' Giuliani said. 'He’ll ask “did you tell Comey to go easy on Flynn?” The President will say “no I didn’t"
‘You [Mueller] wants to get him under oath so you can trap him into perjury, we’re not going to do that... you are trying to trap him because you don't have a case.'
Giuliani repeatedly slammed the Mueller probe as 'illegitimate' and claimed it was being run by people who 'hate Trump'. Mueller is pictured in the US Capitol on June 21, 2017
Giuliani repeatedly slammed the Mueller probe as 'illegitimate' and claimed it was being run by people who 'hate Trump'. Mueller is pictured in the US Capitol on June 21, 2017
Giuliani then suggested Mueller and his team would themselves end up as the subjects of an investigation.
‘The real story here is not that this case is going to fizzle. It’s going to blow up on them. The real question is what we were talking about before,' he said.
'There’s a lot more to what they did that nobody knows about yet. A lot more to the obstruction of justice, to the collusion, to the fake dossier to try and bring Steele in when he was completely discredited.'
He added that other presidents could have 'cracked' under the strain of the Mueller probe, and suggested it would lead to 'very big reforms, like Watergate'.
During the Hannity interview, Giuliani also touched on comments he had made earlier on Wednesday telling Mueller he had to conclude investigation by September 1 because it was dragging on and on.
'We’re restating what we have been saying for months: It is time for the Office of Special Counsel to conclude its inquiry without further delay,' he told the New York Times.
Trump's legal team has been going back and forth with Mueller for months about an interview with the president. President Trump says he wants to his clear his name but his attorneys have advised against it.
The president has referred to the probe that originated with Moscow's meddling as a witch hunt and has repeatedly directed his attorney general to put a stop to it.
Giuliani has said time and time again that it's time for the probe to end. He said in April when he joined the Trump legal team that his role would be 'limited' and he was really only there to drag the investigation across the finish line.
Trump (pictured at a business dinner in Bedminster on Tuesday) has referred to the probe that originated with Moscow's meddling as a witch hunt and has repeatedly directed his attorney general to put a stop to it
Trump (pictured at a business dinner in Bedminster on Tuesday) has referred to the probe that originated with Moscow's meddling as a witch hunt and has repeatedly directed his attorney general to put a stop to it
Four months later, with the probe showing no sign of stopping, Giuliani has become the face of the legal effort alongside Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow, appearing multiple times a week sometimes on cable and network news programs.
Giuliani has routinely created hay in the investigation, most recently with a claim that it wouldn't be illegal to participate in collusion.
Trump did not collude with Russia to steal an election, but even if he did, 'Collusion is not a crime,' Giuliani at the end of July stated of 'Fox & Friends.'
'The hacking is the crime,' he told CNN later. 'The president didn't hack.'
President Trump says he did not know about a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer that his son, campaign chairman and son-in-law participated in.
The meeting was ostensibly to receive dirt on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, although all parties say no such exchange of information ever happened.
The Department of Justice is said to have told Trump on multiple occasions that he is not the target of the investigation.
They would like to speak to him about improper ties that have been alleged between his campaign associates, though, and the Russians.
They would also like to question him about Comey's firing. The White House said Comey was fired for incompetence but Trump admitted in an interview that the Russia probe was also on his mind.
Giuliani believes Mueller's probe into Russian election meddling, which has spiraled into allegations of collusion between the Kremlin and the president's campaign and possible obstruction of justice, should be concluded by September 1 
Giuliani believes Mueller's probe into Russian election meddling, which has spiraled into allegations of collusion between the Kremlin and the president's campaign and possible obstruction of justice, should be concluded by September 1 
If the president refuses an interview with Mueller, the United States Constitution could be put to the test. A president has never successfully been subpoenaed before.
Sekulow told ABC News on Sunday that the president's legal team would file a motion to quash, if that happens. He said the case would ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court.
'If the Special Council makes the determination and gets the authority, and that’s a question, they have to have the authority to seek that subpoena.
‘A subpoena for live testimony has never been tested in court as to a president of the United States,' he said. 'It’s hard pressed to see why they need the president’s testimony.'
He said he had seen no evidence of illegal activity pertaining to the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian nationals who used the meeting to lobby against sanctions on adoption.
As for new charges that Trump is obstructing justice through derogatory tweets about the special counsel probe, including ones putting pressure on the Department of Justice to tell Mueller it's time to go, Sekulow said, 'Obstruction of justice by tweet is absurd.
‘The president has a First Amendment right to put his opinions out there.'
Trump's legal team had said last week that it expected to have an answer for Mueller about in an interview in the coming days in response to an offer from the special counsel's office to reduce the number of questions pertaining to obstruction of justice.
The president's legal team is aggressively trying to limit the interview to the topic of collusion, with all questions falling within a timeline that precedes Trump's inauguration.
Sekulow declined to comment on reports on Wednesday that the Trump legal team had rejected the special counsel's most recent offer.
He confirmed to The Times and other outlets, though, that the president's attorneys had submitted a response.
Giuliani would not say what was in the latest offer, but he told The Times that they were still considering another 'avenue' that would put the president in front of Mueller and ensure the probe starts to wrap up.
'This should be over by Sept. 1,' Giuliani said. 'We have now given him an answer; he obviously he should take a few days to consider it, but we should get this resolved. If there is going to be an interview, let’s have it.'      

'This case won't fizzle... it will blow up on THEM': Rudy Giuliani claims Robert Mueller will HIMSELF be investigated for 'collusion' over his 'corrupt' probe, and only wants to question Trump to catch him in a 'perjury trap'

Enough news articles 'This case won't fizzle... it will blow up on THEM': Rudy Giuliani claims Robert Mueller will HIMSELF be investigated for 'collusion' over his 'corrupt' probe, and only wants to question Trump to catch him in a 'perjury trap' this time, hopefully can benefit for you all. Well, see you in other article postings.

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'This case won't fizzle... it will blow up on THEM': Rudy Giuliani claims Robert Mueller will HIMSELF be investigated for 'collusion' over his 'corrupt' probe, and only wants to question Trump to catch him in a 'perjury trap'

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