30 43 47 61 109 | Barbara Streisand replies to 47-year-old fan mail +61st Grammy's nomination
Title : 30 43 47 61 109 | Barbara Streisand replies to 47-year-old fan mail +61st Grammy's nomination
Link : 30 43 47 61 109 | Barbara Streisand replies to 47-year-old fan mail +61st Grammy's nomination
Richard got a response after 47-years, go figure!
This story broke January 30, 2019.
1/30/2019 = 1+30+(2+0+1+9) = 43
43, the 14th prime number
He was 14 when he sent the letter.
And the news broke on the 30th.
Notice the tweets where on the 29th. 109, the 29th prime
This story comes just before the 61st Grammy's.
30 43 47 61 109 | Barbara Streisand replies to 47-year-old fan mail +61st Grammy's nomination
Enough news articles 30 43 47 61 109 | Barbara Streisand replies to 47-year-old fan mail +61st Grammy's nomination this time, hopefully can benefit for you all. Well, see you in other article postings.
30 43 47 61 109 | Barbara Streisand replies to 47-year-old fan mail +61st Grammy's nomination
You are now reading the article 30 43 47 61 109 | Barbara Streisand replies to 47-year-old fan mail +61st Grammy's nomination with the link address https://randomfindtruth.blogspot.com/2019/01/30-43-47-61-109-barbara-streisand.html