16 44 53 206 | Death of Shawn Smith, of Seattle's band Brad, April 5, 2019 +Kurt Cobain & Layne Staley
Title : 16 44 53 206 | Death of Shawn Smith, of Seattle's band Brad, April 5, 2019 +Kurt Cobain & Layne Staley
Link : 16 44 53 206 | Death of Shawn Smith, of Seattle's band Brad, April 5, 2019 +Kurt Cobain & Layne Staley
This news came out on April 6, or 4/6. Sacrifice = 46; Svengali = 46
This man has died April 5, as a Seattle musician.
Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley died on this day in history, both in Seattle.
This man has died 206-days before his 2019 birthday. Seattle is the 206 area code.
Read about the death of Mark Hubbard, on the day leaving 206-days left in the year:
The name Shawn Smith also connects to 'Seattle'.
In the case of Cobain, he died 44-days from his birthday.
*He was 27, April 5 leaves 270-days left in the year. Ritual = 27
Staley died at age 34, 139-days from his birthday. 139, the 34th prime
Freemasonry = 139; Murder = 34; Nirvana = 34
The band Shawn Smith was with the longest, was Brad, formed 27-years ago, in '92.
Dead at 53, 53 the 16th prime
4/5/19 = 4+5+19 = 28 (Seattle = 19 / 28)
16 44 53 206 | Death of Shawn Smith, of Seattle's band Brad, April 5, 2019 +Kurt Cobain & Layne Staley
Enough news articles 16 44 53 206 | Death of Shawn Smith, of Seattle's band Brad, April 5, 2019 +Kurt Cobain & Layne Staley this time, hopefully can benefit for you all. Well, see you in other article postings.
16 44 53 206 | Death of Shawn Smith, of Seattle's band Brad, April 5, 2019 +Kurt Cobain & Layne Staley
You are now reading the article 16 44 53 206 | Death of Shawn Smith, of Seattle's band Brad, April 5, 2019 +Kurt Cobain & Layne Staley with the link address https://randomfindtruth.blogspot.com/2019/04/16-44-53-206-death-of-shawn-smith-of.html