AOC denies that she 'threatened' Border Patrol officers after she was accused of 'screaming and yelling' at them and claims she caught two discussing setting up a GoFundMe for an officer who photoshopped her performing oral sex on Trump

AOC denies that she 'threatened' Border Patrol officers after she was accused of 'screaming and yelling' at them and claims she caught two discussing setting up a GoFundMe for an officer who photoshopped her performing oral sex on Trump Hello people in the world, today Random Find Truth will provide information about the correctness and important updated opinions that you must read with the title AOC denies that she 'threatened' Border Patrol officers after she was accused of 'screaming and yelling' at them and claims she caught two discussing setting up a GoFundMe for an officer who photoshopped her performing oral sex on Trump that has been Random Find Truth analysis, search and prepare well for you to read all. Hopefully information from Random Find Truth about Articles News, the Random Find Truth write you can make us all human beings who are knowledgeable and blessed for all.

Title : AOC denies that she 'threatened' Border Patrol officers after she was accused of 'screaming and yelling' at them and claims she caught two discussing setting up a GoFundMe for an officer who photoshopped her performing oral sex on Trump
Link : AOC denies that she 'threatened' Border Patrol officers after she was accused of 'screaming and yelling' at them and claims she caught two discussing setting up a GoFundMe for an officer who photoshopped her performing oral sex on Trump

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez several other Democrats were taking a tour of a facility in Clint, Texas Monday 
  • Witnesses claimed she screamed at border control agents as they shared a joke standing nearby AOC   
  • Her visit comes after a Facebook group emerged in which agents posted photoshopped illustrations of her
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has denied she 'threatened' Customs and Border Protection officers on a visit to a facility in Texas Monday.
The freshman congresswoman was accused of 'screaming and yelling' at border agents after allegedly catching them discussing setting up a GoFundMe fundraising page for an officer who photoshopped her face on an illicit image.
During a visit to a Border Patrol facility in El Paso, Texas AOC reportedly shouted at federal law enforcement agents 'in a threatening manner', and refused to tour the facility, according to two people who witnessed the incident. 
'She comes out screaming at our agents, right at the beginning… Crying and screaming and yelling,' one witness said according to the Washington Examiner.
'The agents, they wanted to respond, but they held back because she's a congressional delegate. But when you have someone yelling at you in a threatening manner… They were like, 'Hey, you need to kinda step back.'
A second official claimed that while she was near the agents AOC hit out at them for a Facebook page which was exposed in which officers shared lewd images including a photoshopped picture of her giving Donald Trump oral sex. 
'One of the agents laughed at something he was saying to another agent, and she got irate and flipped out,' the second Border Patrol official said.
'Now they're under investigation for it. She took it as they were laughing at her and screams at them and says, 'What's so funny?' 
AOC along with 14 members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus gathered to tour Border Patrol facilities and migrant detention centers on Monday
Hugging: Ocasio-Cortez was pictured hugging one female detainee in a photograph taken by Democratic congressman Joaquin Castro
Ocasio-Cortez  attends a press conference following the tour, which she reportedly refused to go on because of conditions
AOC shared the above tweet on Monday evening as she further explained her experiences at the facilities on Monday - claiming she had not shouted at border agents
During the visit Congressman Joaquin Castro, whose identical twin brother Julian is running for president, tweeted videos and pictures from inside, including a list of women detained in one cellDuring the visit Congressman Joaquin Castro, whose identical twin brother Julian is running for president, tweeted videos and pictures from inside, including a list of women detained in one cell and Ocasio-Cortez talking to detainees (right)
She hit back on Monday afternoon, tweeting: 'And to these CBP officers saying they felt “threatened” by me - They were literally discussing making a GoFundMe for an officer who attacked my on my tour.
'They confiscated my phone, and they were all armed. I’m 5’4”. They’re just upset I exposed their inhumane behavior.'
AOC said Monday that illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers detained at a pair of U.S. Customs and Border Protection stations she visited are 'drinking out of toilets' – a claim an agency official quickly denied.
Speaking outside a Border Patrol station in Clint, Texas, as she left she raged: 'There's abuse in these facilities.
'This was them knowing a congressional visit was coming. This was CBP on their best behavior. Telling people to drink out of the toilet.' 
AOC said she 'forced' herself into a cell with detainees and one woman told her officers were waging 'psychological warfare'. The woman said they were often called 'wh***s' by the agents. 
The congresswoman claimed officers laughed in response to migrants drinking out of toilets. 
The inflammatory statement – including the suggestion that she witnessed toilet-drinking herself – came hours after a news story established the existence of a private Facebook group where current and former CBP agents distributed lewd illustrations of the Democratic socialist congresswoman from New York. 
Fuming: AOC describes the conditions in a migrant detention center to members of the media after 15 members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus gathered to tour Border Patrol facilities and migrant detention centers
Ocasio-Cortez said Monday that illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers detained at a pair of U.S. Customs and Border Protection stations she visited are 'drinking out of toilets'
But a CBP official said Monday in the early evening that plumbing fixtures at the locations Ocasio-Cortez visited are standard-issue jail appliances with sinks that dispense safe drinking water attached to toilets in a single unit.
'Of course that's what we have,' the official said. 'No one is drinking toilet water. They're drinking potable water from the sink attached to the toilet. It's what you would find in every municipal jail in the United States.'
A photo filed in a federal court case in 2016 illustrates the setup in a Tucson, Arizona CBP holding facility. The official confirmed that it's identical to what detainees at Texas border stations have access to.
After this story was published, Ocasio-Cortez confirmed on Twitter that '[t]his was in fact the type of toilet we saw in the cell.'
She also claimed 'there was just one' in the cell she saw, and the sink portion was not functioning,' adding that Rep. Ayanna Pressley 'smartly tried to open the faucet, and nothing came out. So the women were told they could drink out of the bowl.'
Her other tweets were contradictory, with some suggesting she witnessed guards offering a toilet as a source of drinking water and others intimating that she heard stories from detainees.  
The claims were quickly rebutted by an official at CBP who said 'no one is drinking toilet water' at border holding facilities showed the CBP official this photo from a 2016 federal court filing, which depicts toilets inside a Phoenix CBP holding facility; the official confirmed that the Texas facilities have the same fixtures – which deliver clean drinking water from faucets above every toilet
Ocasio-Cortez tweeted in mid-afternoon that she didn't have photos of what she saw because 'CBP made us check our phones.' 
She was one of more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress visiting the border facilities.
A Washington Examiner reporter tweeted that two sources inside the building said the lawmaker 'refused to tour the facility.'
The congresswoman had tweeted earlier that border agents were dismissive and 'physically & sexually threatening' toward her, and claimed in a statement to the press that women in the El Paso facility had no safe water to drink.
'What we saw today was unconscionable,' she told a waiting klatch of TV reporters. 'No woman should ever be locked up in a pen, when they have done no harm to another human being. They should be given water. They should be given basic access to human rights.'
A reporter with the Washington Examiner wrote that two sources at the El Paso border station reported that Ocasio-Cortez refused to tour the facility in person on Monday
In her tweets she claimed '[o]fficers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets. This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.'
'It's not just the kids. It's everyone. People drinking out of toilets, officers laughing in front of members Congress,' the 29-year-old Democratic socialist added in another tweet.
'I brought it up to their superiors. They said 'officers are under stress & act out sometimes.' No accountability.'
She called the experience 'horrifying' and classed it as 'systemic cruelty w/ a dehumanizing culture that treats them like animals.'
A second member of Congress claimed in an online video that a single detainee in El Paso had told her she was advised to drink toilet water.
'One woman said that the border patrol agent told her to - if she wanted water, just to drink from the toilet, California Democratic Rep. Judy Chu said.
Chu's office did not respond to a request for comment. 
Later Monday evening Ocasio-Cortez continued to tweet and shared pictures of women inside the facilities.
'Even if they let you in, these women told us CBP did a lot of 'cleaning up' before we arrived. They were moved into that room from outside tents before our arrival. They said they'd gone 15 days w/o a shower, & were allowed to start bathing 4 days ago (when visit was announced). 
'These officers felt brazen in there. While mgmt was telling us it was a 'secure facility' where *members of Congress* had to check their phones, we caught officers trying to sneak photos, laughing. CBP's 'good' behavior was toxic. Imagine how they treat the women trapped inside.'
Alongside a photo of women inside a facility she wrote: 'Here's another photo from inside taken by @JoaquinCastrotx, where we're trying to comfort women trapped in cells. This woman was telling me about her daughters who were taken from her - she doesn't know where they've taken them. We held & listened to them. They were distraught.'
She later added: 'Pro-concentration camp & Pro-Trump protestors tried to drown out our accounts. They yelled at Rashida Tlaib about pork when she talked about facilities. They called Joaquin Castro 'traitor' for denouncing family separation. @AyannaPressley was heroic, speaking truth to vitriol.
'And to these CBP officers saying they felt 'threatened' by me - They were literally discussing making a GoFundMe for an officer who attacked my on my tour. They confiscated my phone, and they were all armed. I'm 5'4'. They're just upset I exposed their inhumane behavior.'
The indignant New Yorker had begun Monday defending herself against slurs from a private Facebook group frequented by current and former border agents, where leaked images showed members sharing lewd pictures of her and suggesting a heart-rending photo of a drowned migrant and his toddler daughter was staged. 
Screen captures of some postings include a Photoshopped image depicting her performing oral sex on a migrant man, and another portraying President Donald Trump forcing her head into his lap for another sex act.
The group, first noted by the news website Pro Publica, has 9,500 members.
In one message thread, a member posted a now-famous Associated Press photograph of Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his 23-month-old daughter, Angie Valeria, face down in the Rio Grande after drowning during a failed attempt to reach the United States.
'I HAVE NEVER SEEN FLOATERS LIKE THIS,' the person wrote, suggesting it could be 'another edited photo. We've all seen the dems and liberal parties do some pretty sick things.' 
The congresswoman had tweeted earlier that border agents were dismissive and 'physically & sexually threatening' toward her, and claimed in a statement to the press that women in the El Paso facility had no safe water to drink
The nonprofit news service Pro Publica published this image, which it said was posted to the Facebook group and depicted Ocasio-Cortez being forced to engage in oral sex with President Donald Trump
One member of the 'I am 10-15' group – it's named for the radio code used when an illegal immigrant is detained – suggested that a news photograph of a man and his toddler daughter who drowned crossing the Rio Grande was staged
When Ocasio-Cortez and Texas Rep. Veronica Escobar announced a visit to a border station near El Paso, a group member proposed a bounty collected on GoFundMe for any agent willing to throw a burrito at them
The '10-15' group is described as a home for U.S. Border Patrol (BP) and Air and Marine Operations (AMO) agents
Another post said: 'Let's start a go fund me for one CTX agent brave enough to thrown a 10-15 burrito at one of these b***hes,' one member wrote. 'Who ever does it takes the pot of $$.'
'10-15' is the law enforcement radio code that refers to the apprehension of an illegal immigrant. The Facebook group is called 'I'm 10-15.' 
Another group member, who Pro Publica reported was 'apparently a patrol supervisor,' wrote, 'F**k the hoes.'
A third wrote: 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets.'
Ocasio-Cortez, a far-left lightning rod, had already angered Border Patrol agents last week by comparing their lockups to Nazi concentration camps. 
The computer illustration of her fellating a migrant man was captioned: 'Lucky Illegal Immigrant Glory Hole Special Starring AOC.'
The second image, which portrayed Trump forcing her to perform a sex act on him, was posted along a comment that read: 'That's right b***hes. The masses have spoken and today democracy won. I have returned. To everyone who knows the real me and had my back I say thank you. To everyone else? This is what I have to say.' 
The lawmaker, 29, responded on Twitter. 
'This isn't about 'a few bad eggs.' This is a violent culture,' she said, insisting that she would still visit the border patrol station Monday afternoon.  
'They're threatening violence on members of Congress. How do you think they're treating caged children+families?' she wrote.
Ocasio-Cortez said in a separate tweet that the reported 9.500 members of the 'racist & sexually violent' Facebook group represented 'almost half' of the Customs & Border Protection agents in the United States.
Pro Publica reported, however, that the group was also open to former agents. It's unknown how large that group might be.
Ocasio-Cortez erupted with anger after seeing herself made the butt of lewd jokes by the border agents she was traveling to oversee
US Police Department agents guard the Paso del Norte International Bridge checkpoint at the border with Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, Monday
Matthew Klein, CBP's Assistant Commissioner in the Office of Professional Responsibility, said in a statement that the agency was 'aware of disturbing social media activity hosted on a private Facebook group that may include a number of CBP employees.'
'CBP immediately informed DHS Office of the Inspector General and initiated an investigation,' he said
Klein added that agency employees must adhere to strict standards of conduct 'both on and off duty,' which includes an order to 'not make abusive, derisive, profane, or harassing statements or gestures, or engage in any other conduct evidencing hatred or invidious prejudice to or about one person or group on account of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability.'
U.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost said: 'Any employees found to have violated our standards of conduct will be held accountable.'

AOC denies that she 'threatened' Border Patrol officers after she was accused of 'screaming and yelling' at them and claims she caught two discussing setting up a GoFundMe for an officer who photoshopped her performing oral sex on Trump

Enough news articles AOC denies that she 'threatened' Border Patrol officers after she was accused of 'screaming and yelling' at them and claims she caught two discussing setting up a GoFundMe for an officer who photoshopped her performing oral sex on Trump this time, hopefully can benefit for you all. Well, see you in other article postings.

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AOC denies that she 'threatened' Border Patrol officers after she was accused of 'screaming and yelling' at them and claims she caught two discussing setting up a GoFundMe for an officer who photoshopped her performing oral sex on Trump

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