Clowning around! Baby Percy giggles hysterically when his mother juggles balls in adorable video

Clowning around! Baby Percy giggles hysterically when his mother juggles balls in adorable video Hello people in the world, today Random Find Truth will provide information about the correctness and important updated opinions that you must read with the title Clowning around! Baby Percy giggles hysterically when his mother juggles balls in adorable video that has been Random Find Truth analysis, search and prepare well for you to read all. Hopefully information from Random Find Truth about Articles News, the Random Find Truth write you can make us all human beings who are knowledgeable and blessed for all.

Title : Clowning around! Baby Percy giggles hysterically when his mother juggles balls in adorable video
Link : Clowning around! Baby Percy giggles hysterically when his mother juggles balls in adorable video

  • In the cute clip baby Percy is sitting on the floor in Dumfries and Galloway
  • His mother is sitting on the floor and juggling the clear plastic balls in one hand
  • She holds the plastic ball in front of him and he immediately starts laughing 
Adorable footage shows a baby uncontrollably laughing as he watches his mother juggling. 
Baby Percy is sitting on the floor at home in Dumfries and Galloway while his mother plays with the plastic toys in front of him.
His mother is also sitting on the floor, juggling the clear plastic balls in one hand. 
Percy sits on the floor in front of his mother in Dumfries and Galloway
    He giggles uncontrollably while she juggles
      Percy sits on the floor in front of his mother in Dumfries and Galloway and giggles uncontrollably while she juggles
      At one point, Percy looks away from the camera, holding one of the clear plastic balls, and stops laughing.
      But when his mother holds one of the plastic balls in front of him he immediately continues giggling in the clip filmed on June 1. 
      At the end of the first part of the clip, the ball lands in Percy's lap and he grabs it in his hands with the other ball he was already holding. 
      His mother says: 'Look, Perc, what's this? Ready?' as she prepares to start juggling.   
      She continues juggling and listening to Percy's hysterical laughter as she affectionately calls him 'you weirdo'.  
      His mother continues juggling the two plastic balls in one hand and listening to Percy's hysterical laughter
         His mother continues juggling the two plastic balls in one hand and listening to Percy's hysterical laughter

        Clowning around! Baby Percy giggles hysterically when his mother juggles balls in adorable video

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        Clowning around! Baby Percy giggles hysterically when his mother juggles balls in adorable video

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