Hal Brown blog

Hal Brown blog Hello people in the world, today Random Find Truth will provide information about the correctness and important updated opinions that you must read with the title Hal Brown blog that has been Random Find Truth analysis, search and prepare well for you to read all. Hopefully information from Random Find Truth about Articles Opinion, the Random Find Truth write you can make us all human beings who are knowledgeable and blessed for all.

Title : Hal Brown blog
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 Click here for just Thurs. edition  This is a blog with my  opinions on news stories that pique my interest. My Bio here.

July 30, 2020

Here are some of the most recent publicly revealed examples of just how dumb Trump is. I am sure there are myriad examples of Trump’s ignorance, lack of cognitive ability, and how scatterbrained he is that those who try to work with him every day see and try to ignore or rationalize away.

It is a tweet from the conservative Washington Times column by Andrew “Napolitano How Totalitarianism Begins in The United States”.  My guess is Trump didn't grasp the meaning of the title and just liked the photograph.which begins with this CS Lewis quote: ““The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own consciences.” 
Perhaps you could excuse Trump for not being aware that totalitarianism was a bad thing and liking the photo and not understanding the CS Lewis quote. He may have only read the first five paragraphs which simply described what was happening in Portland.
He may not have noticed that the column ended abruptly after five paragraphs and seen that you had to click to read the remainder:

If he had clicked he would have discovered that the column went on for 14 paragraphs to describe how peaceful protesters were assaulted with pepper spray and hit with nonlethal exploding bullets, how a young man riding a bicycle away from the chaos was attacked by five of these feds, and how the Navy veteran was attacked.
The column concluded as follows:
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires the government to protect speech, not assault those who exercise it. If these indiscriminate beatings and kidnappings are intended to deter folks from publicly dissenting, it is profoundly unconstitutional, counterproductive and will be costly to the federal government.
Under the Constitution, the ability to regulate for health and safety belongs to the states and local governments. The feds simply do not have the lawful authority to fill in gaps in local law enforcement, no matter how offended they may be.
This is how totalitarianism begins. The feds claim that federal property needs protection and the folks assigned to do so need help. When help arrives, it does so by surprise, under cover of darkness and shielded by anonymity. Then, the reinforcements beat and arrest and harm protesters because their bosses in Washington do not approve of the protesters’ message.
Public dissent against the government is a core personal freedom. It is as American as apple pie. It was integral to the creation of our republic. Government repression of dissent is totalitarian. It is as un-American as the governments against which we fought world wars to preserve our core freedoms.
Here’s another example of his stupidity from when he was in Texas yesterday. 
“I don’t think Biden’s going to do too well in Texas,” Trump said. “If these far-left politicians ever get into power, they will demolish not only your industry, but the entire U.S. economy.”
He railed against policies “seeking an even higher level of restrictions mandating zero carbon emissions ― which frankly, is impossible ― for all new homes, offices and buildings by two thirty.”
Ostensibly, Trump was referring to Biden’s sustainable energy and infrastructure plan released earlier this month, which details a net-zero emissions standard for all new commercial buildings by 2030. However, it does not mention any mandate, as Politifact noted when it fact-checked Trump when he made a similar claim earlier this month.
Twitter users were inclined to agree that achieving this goal by 2:30 ― whether Trump was referring to a.m. or p.m. ― was optimistic.
This is the best response I found to the carbon neutral remarks because it brings in Trump’s racist appeal to white suburbanites:
This morning I wake up to see that Trump is tweeting about delaying the election which, of course he cannot do by executive action;
I expect we’ll see some of the choice replies to this in various articles. These are the top two replies as I write this diary:
The ever snarky anti-Trump Republican Rick Wilson, who is often on MSNBC, had the next tweet:
My title question is whether or not members of Trump’s MAGA cult really want a president who is this stupid. Perhaps if they are getting all their news from Fox they never hear about these examples or if they do they are not capable of realizing how utterly dumb their leader is.
Perhaps they think he is a genius compared to them. It is even worse to contemplate that perhaps they think he is the greatest genius of all time.

Food for thought: With Trump sometimes a so-called "softball interview" will be more revealing than a tough interview with questions he will evade or deflect from.
WHEN IT CAME TO ASKING THE PRESIDENT about his mental soundness last week, which Fox News reporter extracted the more revealing answer? 
First up was Chris Wallace, the tough Fox News Sunday anchor, who said this about the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test that Trump so proudly passed: “I took the test too when I heard that you passed it,” said Wallace. “It’s not—well, it’s not the hardest test. They have a picture, and it says, ‘What’s that?’ And it’s an elephant.”
A few days later, Dr. Marc Siegel, Fox News’s medical commentator, asked Trump about the same topic, but framed his inquiry this way: “Presidential health, or health of the candidate, is going to be on the table.… I’ve seen a lot about your health, being in good health. What do you think should come out…regarding Vice President Biden?” 
Wallace’s question may have been more emotionally satisfying, but it was Siegel—a commentator prone to adulation of Trump—who got the more telling answer: a six-minute meander through Trump’s thicket of self-diagnosis, during which the president mentioned China, Russia, Ukraine, judicial appointments, the Twenty-fifth Amendment, and, most notably, his ability to recite a string of five words while under observation by medical experts. The camera, trained mostly on Trump, occasionally cut to Siegel, who smiled sweetly and nodded understandingly, barely uttering a word as the president repeated “Person, woman, man, camera, TV” four times. 

Hal Brown blog

Enough news articles Hal Brown blog this time, hopefully can benefit for you all. Well, see you in other article postings.

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