Packets of seeds from China mislabeled as jewelry are mailed to Americans in six different states

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Title : Packets of seeds from China mislabeled as jewelry are mailed to Americans in six different states
Link : Packets of seeds from China mislabeled as jewelry are mailed to Americans in six different states

  • Residents in at least six U.S. states have received unsolicited and unidentified seed packages from China
  • Agriculture officials issued warnings in Washington, Virginia, Utah, Kansas, Louisiana and Arizona
  • Some of the packages are mislabeled as jewelry and have Chinese writing 
  • Officials warned the seeds 'could be invasive, introduce diseases to local plants, or be harmful to livestock'
  •  One person suggested the numerous incidents could be part of a 'brushing' e-commerce scam   
  • Mysterious seed packages from China have also been sent to hundreds of gardeners in the United Kingdom  
People in at least six US states have received unsolicited seed packages labeled as jewelry from China, prompting agriculture officials to warn that the seeds could be environmentally harmful.
A number of confused residents in Washington, Virginia, Utah, Kansas, Arizona and Louisiana were sent small seed packages in the mail, with labels suggesting they were sent from China.
In some of the instances, the packages had Chinese writing printed on the labels and are misbranded as various pieces of jewelry.  
It's unclear why the seed packages were sent and why each individual who got a delivery was chosen.
Residents in at least six US states have received unsolicited seed packages, often mislabeled as jewelry, in the mail from China. Pictured: delivered seed packages in Washington
    Residents in at least six US states have received unsolicited seed packages, often mislabeled as jewelry, in the mail from China. Pictured: delivered seed packages in Washington 
    In Washington, the state department of agriculture said they received reports on Friday about residents receiving seeds in the mail from China that they did not order.
    'The seeds are sent in packages usually stating that the contents are jewelry. Unsolicited seeds could be invasive, introduce diseases to local plants, or be harmful to livestock,' they wrote.
    Photos shared to Facebook showed that one resident received two packages of seeds that were labeled as a 'bracelet' and a 'ring.'
    The address showed the packages were sent from the city of Suzhou in the Jiangsu providence of East China.
    Washington officials added that this act is known as agricultural smuggling and people should notify the U.S. Department of Agriculture for further instructions. 
    A photo shared by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer shared a photo of unsolicited seeds sent to a resident in recent days
      A photo shared by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer shared a photo of unsolicited seeds sent to a resident in recent days
      The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services on Friday issued a warning about the unsolicited seeds after they received similar reports.
      'The types of seeds in the packages are unknown at this time and may be invasive plant species.,' the department wrote.
      'Invasive species wreak havoc on the environment, displace or destroy native plants and insects and severely damage crops.' 
      Photos shared by Virginia officials showed a small resealable bag with several brown seeds. 
      Lori Culley of Tooele, Utah, told Fox 13 that she received two small packages  labelled as gold earrings on Tuesday.
      'I opened them up and they were seeds,' said Culley. 'Obviously they’re not jewelry!'
      A staffer with the Utah Department of Agriculture picked up the seeds from Culley a few hours after leaning of the packages.
      Utah resident Lori Culley revealed that she was sent seed packages that were mislabeled as gold earrings on Tuesday
        Utah resident Lori Culley revealed that she was sent seed packages that were mislabeled as gold earrings on Tuesday
        The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food will reportedly work with Customs and Border Protection agents to investigate the incident.
          The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food will reportedly work with Customs and Border Protection agents to investigate the incident.
          At least 40 people across Utah got seed package in the mail from China in with no explanation
            At least 40 people across Utah got seed package in the mail from China in with no explanation 
            The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food will reportedly work with Customs and Border Protection agents to investigate the packages. 
            In Utah, at least 40 residents have received similar mailed packages with no explanation.
            Jane Rupp, president of  Better Business Bureau's Utah chapter, noted that the incidents could just be a scam know as 'brushing.'
            Brushing is a e-commerce scam where companies will create fake orders to boost their ratings.
            'That is rather random. I don’t think I’ve heard of seeds before,' said Rapp.
            'The first thing to do is Google your address and see what’s out there… Numerous things will come up when you Google your address. It’s kind of scary sometimes.' 
            The Kansas  Department of Agriculture and the Arizona Department of Agriculture also released statements about the seeds that echoed their peers. 
            'Unsolicited packages of seeds have been received by people in several other states across the United States over the last several days.' Kansas officials wrote in a press release. 
            Agriculture officials have warned residents to not plant the seeds or even open the packages over fears they could cause environmental damage. PIctured: seed packages that a resident in Arizona got
              Agriculture officials have warned residents to not plant the seeds or even open the packages over fears they could cause environmental damage. PIctured: seed packages that a resident in Arizona got
              Kansas Department of Agriculture: 'Unsolicited packages of seeds have been received by people in several other states across the United States over the last several days'
                Kansas Department of Agriculture: 'Unsolicited packages of seeds have been received by people in several other states across the United States over the last several days'
                Louisiana was another state that had reports of mysterious seeds, but officials also confirmed that the same thing happened to gardeners in the United Kingdom
                  Louisiana was another state that had reports of mysterious seeds, but officials also confirmed that the same thing happened to gardeners in the United Kingdom
                  And the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry warned that they're unsure what type of seeds are being sent and to take caution.
                  'Right now, we are uncertain what types of seeds are in the package. Out of caution, we are urging anyone who receives a package that was not ordered by the recipient, to please call the LDAF immediately,' said Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry Mike Strain, D.V.M. 
                  'We need to identify the seeds to ensure they do not pose a risk to Louisiana’s agricultural industry or the environment.'
                  They confirmed that in addition to several US states, mysterious seeds have also been sent to the United Kingdom.
                  Hundreds of British gardeners reported getting deliveries marked as 'ear studs' from China and Malaysia. 
         has reached out to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for comment the packages. 

                  Hundreds of British gardeners 'receive unsolicited deliveries of garden seeds sent from China marked as ear studs'

                  Horticulturalists have issued a warning after 'hundreds' of British gardeners received unsolicited deliveries of seeds thought to have been sent from China.
                  The mysterious packages have been posted to customers who previously made legitimate seed purchases through sites such as Amazon marketplace and eBay.
                  But many of the gardeners were left baffled after receiving unexpected deliveries - which were not paid for - marked as 'petals' and 'ear studs', potentially to avoid customs checks.
                    Hundreds of British gardeners received unsolicited deliveries of seeds thought to have been sent from China, leaving many horticulturalists baffled 
                    Government officials say they have been made aware of the suspect seeds and it is understood at least one police force has been notified.
                    Now, horticulturalists have warned people not to plant the unwanted extra seeds into their garden as it could result in the spread of an invasive, non-native species.
                    Sue Westerdale, 63, who runs a beauty business and has been growing seeds in her spare time, was among those to receive an unexpected package.
                    She said: 'Because of the lockdown, a lot of people are starting to do vegetable gardening who didn't before.
                    'A lot of people have not known the best place to get seeds, particularly at the time when garden centres were closed, so were ordering through Amazon.
                    'My husband and I have ordered seeds from a number of suppliers via Amazon, all purporting to be from the UK.
                    'But we received a pack of four courgette seeds in a hand-written envelope from Serbia, then soon afterwards we got this bag from China that said 'ear studs', containing large black seeds.'
                    Mrs Westerdale, of Dronfield, Derbyshire, wrote about her experience on a British gardening Facebook forum and received messages from 'hundreds of people saying they had the same thing happen'.
                    She added: 'You don't know what you are planting or how dangerous these seeds might be. Some people have been quite panicky.'
                    Mrs Westerdale did not plant the seeds and threw them in the bin, after double-wrapping them.
                      Horticulturalists have warned people not to plant the unwanted extra seeds into their garden as it could result in the spread of an invasive, non-native species
                      She and her husband contacted the Animal and Plant Health Agency, part of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, who replied saying they had deployed a team to investigate.
                      The agency said it is asking people receiving the seeds to send details of any related purchase history - and forward the packages to its officials so they can study and then destroy them.
                      Joanne McQueen, 71, a retired pub company area manager from Bassaleg, near Newport, South Wales, who received a delivery of Malaysian seeds, said: 'The envelope described them as stud earrings. They should never have been allowed into the country.'
                      Some people commenting on Mrs Westerdale's Facebook post told how they had contacted police, who removed and burned the seeds.
                      Other gardeners said they had received seeds from China and Malaysia wrongly labelled as 'petals' and 'decorations'.
                      Charlotte Davenport, a fellow member of the gardening forum, said she and her partner also received seeds marked as ear studs - despite not having ordered any seeds online.
                      In a warning to other gardeners, she wrote: 'Invasive species are extremely concerning. Please keep hold of your seeds and delivery packets to report and don't bin the seeds as they may be needed for investigating. If you do want rid of them - crush and burn (them).'
                      Tracy Ryan added: 'Someone sent me seeds from China. I've burned them. God knows what's come in with them. I think we've all had enough of Chinese "imports" this year!'
                      The Westerdales contacted North East Derbyshire Tory MP Lee Rowley, who said he had been approached by other constituents with similar stories and offered to raise the issue with eBay and Amazon.
                      Imports of seeds and plants into the UK from outside the European Union require a certificate confirming they are safe.
                      The Royal Horticultural Society said importing plants and seeds 'poses potential risks of introducing new pests and diseases'.
                      Prof Ian Rotherham, an expert in environmental geography at Sheffield Hallam University, said: 'Presumably the labelling is so the seeds get through customs unchecked - although it is difficult to understand why they are being sent if they are not being paid for.
                      'It may be that the seeds are of species we don't want here. You don't know what is going to come up - it could be potentially invasive.
                      'There's a security issue as well, if people are receiving something they haven't ordered. How did those responsible get people's names and addresses?'
                      Prof Rotherham warned gardeners: 'Whatever you do, don't grow them.'
                      If packages are not sent to investigators, he urged people to burn them or wrap multiple times before disposing in the bin.
                      Minister for Biosecurity, Lord Gardiner of Kimble said: 'I encourage all gardeners to support our efforts and to buy from reputable sources, such as a local garden centre, to be certain that any bulbs, seeds or plants are not harbouring a potential pest.'
                        The Royal Horticultural Society said importing plants and seeds poses potential risks of introducing new pests and diseases
                        The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said it is aware of complaints about unsolicited Chinese seeds.
                        It said it makes 'in the region of 1,000 interceptions a year' of unauthorised plant deliveries from overseas, mostly due to online plant sales.
                        DEFRA officials are working with Border Force and Customs representatives, 'using intelligence gathering and profiles of exporters to intercept material at points of entry'.
                        A spokesman added: 'We are working to raise awareness with sellers and customers of the legal requirements and the need for increased biosecurity.'
                        Amazon said last night an undisclosed number of sellers have been suspended from trading via its marketplace after an investigation.
                        The company said sellers are required to abide by laws and regulations, and that it monitors sellers to ensure compliance.
                        A spokesman said: 'These are isolated incidents that do not reflect the fantastic products and customer experience provided by millions of small businesses selling in our store.'
                        An eBay spokesman said: 'If an item has been ordered from the UK but posted from a different country than stated in the listing, this is against our item location policy.
                        'If anyone has received an unexpected delivery, they should not accept it / sign for it, and return to sender. If the package is visibly from eBay, they should contact eBay customer services.'

                        Packets of seeds from China mislabeled as jewelry are mailed to Americans in six different states

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