The Three Pronged War taking place in Israel
Title : The Three Pronged War taking place in Israel
Link : The Three Pronged War taking place in Israel
Moshe endured a class-action lawsuit after leaving Egypt which prompted Yitro to advise him to set up a multi-tiered court system. Who brought this suit? The Erev Rav had a claim, says the Midrash. They wanted the money back that was taken from them in Egypt. But weren't they wholehearted converts that would be overjoyed to give it to those Jews who endured the slavery? No.
G-d told Moshe not to take the Erev Rav out of Egypt, but Moshe chose to take them. They of course were responsible for the Golden Calf and complaining in the desert. Much suffering befell the Jewish people because of the Erev Rav. They are reincarnations of previous generations, originally stemming from a few children of Adam that were begot not with Eve. READ MORE
The Three Pronged War taking place in Israel
The Three Pronged War taking place in Israel
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