Report: Haniyeh's bodyguard leaked information to assassins. Spike missile used

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Title : Report: Haniyeh's bodyguard leaked information to assassins. Spike missile used
Link : Report: Haniyeh's bodyguard leaked information to assassins. Spike missile used

One of the bodyguards of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh leaked information to the assassins who eliminated him, Iranian media reported on Wednesday.

According to the report, an Israeli-made Spike short-range missile was launched at the leader's bedroom in northern Tehran from within Iranian territory.

Senior Iranian officials told the New York Times earlier in the day that Tehran’s top leadership was "in utter shock," by the dramatic assassination.

According to the officials, this assassination also questions Iran's security reputation and its ability to protect its borders against such attacks.

The Al-Mayadeen network reported that an Iranian source claimed that Haniyeh was eliminated by a missile that was launched from another country. Even so, Tehran officially stated that they are still investigating exactly how the senior terrorist was eliminated.

Leader of the Islamic Jihad, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, was also inside the building where Haniyeh was staying, although according to estimates he was not injured, which may also indicate the precise attack against Haniyeh, who was on a different floor than al-Nakhalah.

The head of Hamas's political bureau was visiting Tehran to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the new president of Iran, which took place Tuesday. Saudi media reported that Haniyeh was killed in his bedroom by a guided missile, launched at him at 02:00, Tehran time.

Hamas issued a statement accusing Israel of the assassination: "The Islamic Resistance movement mourns its leader Ismail Haniyeh, who died as a result of a treacherous Zionist raid on his residence in Tehran after he had participated in the inauguration ceremony of the new Iranian president," the movement announced. Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Report: Haniyeh's bodyguard leaked information to assassins. Spike missile used

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